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Lillian Gerber- A Free Kill Victim's Story, Shared by Her Daughter
Lillian, a grandmother of 18 was killed by a doctor who attempted an unnecessary procedure that caused a massive stroke and led to brain...

Free Kill Victim Theresa Montagnito - A Surgical Error Cost Her Life
Theresa Montagnito went into JFK Hospital in Lake Worth, Florida for a pre planned and simple hernia and gallbladder surgery. A few days...

Jojo - A Florida Free Kill Victim. Refused Care by Cleveland Clinic
Marcia Sheppler, Jojo's mom brought her son to a hospital for treatment. The admitting nurse refused to provide care or allow him in the...

Ryan - A Florida Free Kill Victim. His Story, Shared by his Sister, Jennifer Bourassa
Ryan went to two urgent cares for help with trouble breathing. Both did nothing and sent him home. When he was admitted into to ER, he...

Michael Patrick Ryan - Another Florida Free Kill Victim's Story, Shared by His Sister, Kelly Ryan
Michael Patrick Ryan was an accomplished man who gave back to his community. Though he was a long-time Florida resident, he was not...

Onofra Ruiz, a Florida Free Kill Victim. Her Story is Shared by Her Son, A Florida Pastor
In a Gallbladder surgery gone wrong, Ms. Ruiz suffered from injured bowels. Her son found many discrepancies in her medical records, some...

Thomas Anthony Cain - Florida Free Kill Victim Story Shared by His Daughter, Mary Jo Cain Reis
Mistakes were made, but nobody can be held accountable because Cain, the victim, is not allowed to have equal protection under the law in...

Christa's Story, Shared by ABC News, and Her Father
Christa Hearburg Purpura received too much of a heart drug that never should have been given to her in the first place. Her medical...

Dayna Stevens shares the loss of her mother, a victim of Florida's Free Kill Law
Dayna Stevens mother was a victim of medical malpractice. According to Florida Law, nobody can get justice for the gross negligent errors...

Joseph Wyman, His Mother Was a Victim of Florida's Free Kill Law
Here is the video testimony of Joseph Wyman. He discusses the loss of his mother, the doctors at fault and his lack of ability to hold...
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