United we stand - Your voice is needed to repeal Florida's Free Kill law
"Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful Committed Citizens Can Change The World: Indeed It'S The Only Thing That Ever Has." Margaret Mead.
For the first time in the history of Florida, there are four bills (two in the House and two in the Senate) that collectively equate to a full repeal of Florida's Free Kill law. The people have finally been heard. Thousands of human lives have been needlessly lost to medical errors. Countless members of our affected community have called on legislators to end this outdated discriminatory law. But the loophole allowing medical practitioners to choose if a patient lives or dies when negligence occurs is not over until these bills pass and become law.
Bill number | Sponsor | Purpose |
HB 6011 | Representative Roach | To repeal free kill as it pertains to the loss of a child |
SB 262 | Senator Anna Maria Rodriguez | To repeal free kill as it pertains to the loss of a child |
HB 6039 | Representative Hinson | To repeal free kill as it pertains to the loss of a parent |
SB 560 | Senator Anna Maria Rodriguez | To repeal free kill as it pertains to the loss of a parent |
The four bills that have been submitted only came about because so many people have requested change state wide. One voice alone is not often heard amongst a crowd of millions. Now in order to pass, these bills must first be heard in various committees in Tallahassee.
Last year the Florida Chamber sent a letter to all of the Florida House Representatives declaring that if they moved the bill forward, they would be docked ranking points. The House Reps stood by the people in a house floor vote that overwhelmingly (99 to 16) supported people over corporations.
The Senate, on the other hand, stood by big Insurance and big hospital corporations and never let the bill be heard on committee floors. There are controlling members of the Senate (President Wilton Simpson) who believe the matter of Florida's Free Kill law is an insurance issue. He does not realize that these are pro human life bills and addressing patient safety.
What if you could change this law with only 9 phone calls? Would you do it? Here is your chance
If you have been affected by this law, please tell the Senate President, Wilton Simpson, your story and ask him to value human life over corporate interests. His number is (850) 487-5010 and email is simpson.wilton.web@flsenate.gov.
Then, call the below 8 legislators who sit at the heads of the committees where the bills will (or will not) be heard. Often calls are not returned. More often nobody even answers the phone. If enough people call, leave messages and send emails, and the ask is repetitive, we will be heard as one unified voice.
House of Representatives CHAIR Civil Justice: Representative Wyman Duggan (R)
District Office District 15
Unit 6 Part of Duval
4070 Herschel Street
Jacksonville, FL 33210
(904) 381-6011
Legislative Aide:
Koby Adams koby.adams@myfloridahouse.gov
District Aide:
Crystal Horton crystal.horton@myfloridahouse.gov
VICE CHAIR: Representative Mike Beltran (R)
District Office District 57
3618 Erindale Drive Part of Hillsborough
Valrico, FL 33596
(813) 653-7097
Legislative Aide:
Hector Gonzalez hector.gonzalez@myfloridahouse.gov
District Aide:
Brian Broad brian.broad@myfloridahouse.gov
House of Representatives CHAIR Judiciary: Erin Grall (R)
District Office District 54
1801 27th St Suite B2-203 Indian River and Part of
Vero Beach, FL 32960 St. Lucie
(772) 778-5005
Legislative Aide:
Edward Barenborg edward.barenborg@myfloridahouse.gov
District Aide:
Sharon Stewart sharon.stewart@myfloridahouse.gov
VICE CHAIR: Cord Byrd (R)
District Office District 11
421 Third Street North Nassau and part of Duval
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 242-3495
Satellite Office: Robert M. Foster Justice Center
76347 Veterans Way
Yulee, FL 32097 (904) 548-9333
Legislative Aide:
Katherine Woodby katherine.woodby@myfloridahouse.gov
District Aide:
Christian Harvey christian.harvey@myfloridahouse.gov
REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE WHIP: Representative Tommy Gregory (R)
District Office District 73
5224 East State Rd 64 Part of Sarasota and
Bradenton, FL 34208 Manatee
(941) 708-5660
Legislative Aide:
Ryan Kimmey ryan.kimmey@myfloridahouse.gov
District Aide:
Marie Ehle marie.ehle@myfloridahouse.gov
Senate Judiciary CHAIR: Senator Danny Burgess (R)
District Office District 20
38507 Fifth Avenue Polk, Pasco, Hillsbrough
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
(813) 779-7059
District Legislative Assistants
Natalie Brown brown.natalie@flsenate.gov
Kimberly Simon simon.kimerly@flsenate.gov
Jonathan Till till.jonathan@flsenate.gov
Tallahassee Legislative Assistant
Alexandra Young young.alexandra.web@flsenate.gov
VICE CHAIR: Senator Audrey Gibson (D)
District Office District 6
101 East Union Street, Suite 104 Duval
Jacksonville, Fl 32202
(904) 359-2553
District Legislative Assistants
Teresa Williams-Elam williams-elam.teresa@flsenate.gov
Farisha Hamid hamid.farisha@flsenate.gov
Tallahassee Legislative Assistant
Sherese Gainous gainous.sherese@flsenate.gov
Senate Banking and Insurance CHAIR: Senator Jim Boyd (R)
District Office District 21
717 Manatee Avenue W. Suite 100 Consists of Manatee
Bradenton, FL 34205 and part of Hillsborough
(941) 742-6445 counties
District Legislative Assistants
Kathy Galea galea.kathy.web@flseante.gov
Jack Rogers rogers.jack.web@flsenate.gov
Amanda Romant romant.amanda.web@flsenate.gov
VICE CHAIR: Senator Doug Broxson (R)
District Office District 1
418 West Garden Street RM 404 Escambia, Santa Rose, and
Pensacola, FL 32502 parts of Okaloosa county
(850) 595-1036
District Legislative Assistants
Hal George george.hal.web@flseante.gov
Janice Gilley gilley.janice.web@flsenate.gov
Victoria Bell bell.victoria.web@flsenate.gov